My Projects

A roguelike deckbuilding card game inspired by games such as Slay the Spire and Night of the Full Moon.

This has been my most ambitious project to date. Hoping to refine some of my React skills and also wanting for ages to build my own deckbuilder game, I decided to build a simple app with a few cards and enemies and see what happened. Things grew quickly and before I knew it I had three dozen different card mechanics, over thirty different screens, proper artwork and background music, boss fights, animations, etc...

There's only so much that React will lend itself to, and it definitely won't be the framework of choice for building something of this magnitude again. If this project continues, I will probably rewrite it from scratch using the Unity Editor.

Home screen of RogueQuest v0.1.1

The splash screen and first level of the game.


A tiny roguelike dungeon-crawler puzzle solver, made in 3 days for the 7DRL 2024 challenge.

A small, quickly built game to test out the capabilities and functionality of GoDot, it has limited functionality but a surprisingly difficult (yet beatable) gameplay. It's more of a puzzle game than a roguelike, where every movement has to be made carefully to whittle down your enemies.

Inspired by David Randall Miller's Evolution video, I decided to build my own virtual world with simplistic neural behvaiour - then introduce minor mutations and breeding, and see how the colony evolves...

I have zero clue why I did this in PHP, other than to see if I could. Whilst it ran the evolution loop for each generation quite quickly, the Imagick plugin to generate frames on the fly was not at all suited for a task; a Javascript physics system would probably have been much more useful and efficient.

In the example on the left, cells would survive until the next generation if they reached the western half of the map. Survivors would breed and a new generation would be more likely to obey the neurons which commanded them to move west.

Gen 6 of the population, when the survival criteria was that cells in the western half of the map would survive.


In the middle of a game of Mega Noughts and Crosses. O has just played a move in the middle subgrid.

Mega Noughts and Crosses (Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe)

I like mathematical games! I remember spending a lot of time playing Complex Hearts at school. Therefore, instead of creating the standard noughts and crosses game when I started learning React, I created a bigger version instead, inspired by Ultimate Tic-Tac-Toe. Instead of a 3x3 grid, there are nine 3x3 grids, arranged three-by-three. Each turn, the player to move must place their marker in a cell in the subgrid which corresponds to the position of the last played cell. For instance, if X played in the middle cell in the top-left subgrid, then O would be forced to make a move in the middle subgrid. The winner is the first person to win 3 subgrids in a row.

I don't know the best strategy yet.

One of my first projects! After moving to London, I dedicated a site to documenting the KFC-esque fried chicken restaurants that started with other letters of the alphabet (which has since been highlighted by KFC themselves!)

This was created using PHP, using the Craft CMS framework, with vanilla JS and jQuery on the frontend.

Sample of the site as it stood at the time.


A replay screen, showing 7 clubs (including the Ace of Spades, which counts as a club) between the players


An ambitious project created in 2014 by my good friend Alyssa, after a card game we created in secondary school. The object (similar to Liars Dice or Perudo) is to guess how many of a given suit there will be amongst all the cards present. Aces count for one of each suit, or two of the suit that they are.

I provided the artwork for all the card faces, plus jokers, alternate versions and two completely new suits.

An auto-batter game created in Unity featuring a range of cutsey characters and a suprisingly strategic depth of play.

No spoiler imagery yet as I'm currently using copyrighted content as a standin, until my own assets are finalised.

Pre-alpha stage, not ready to be shared yet!

Super Auto Heroes